Rekindle Care For Tamir Staff!

Our Matching Sponsor

Giving Tuesday Rekindle Care Campaign

Tuesday, November 28th, is #GivingTuesday. This special day embodies the spirit of giving during the upcoming holiday season, and we are taking this opportunity to enhance the quality of care provided by Tamir frontline staff and volunteers.

RekindleCare initiative would support the commitment, dedication and well-being of Tamir staff.

With the importance of staff welfare and adequate care for persons living with developmental disabilities, this program aims to make a lasting impact through volunteer programs and community events.

Tamir has a rich history of providing care and support to individuals with developmental disabilities, making it a prominent name in the field of disability care.

Our Goal

Tamir has successfully secured caring sponsors like Lacasse Building Solutions for the GivingTuesday campaign. Our aim is to raise $20,000 through matching donations for the RekindleCare program, which supports the dedicated and compassionate Tamir staff. These individuals are the unsung heroes who provide unwavering support, care, and love to Tamir participants in need. They are the strong pillars of our community, showing immense commitment, dedication, and resilience. It is important to recognize and express our gratitude for their invaluable contributions in enhancing the well-being of Tamir’s clients.

GivingTuesday, a global giving movement that has been driven by individuals, charities, businesses and communities across Canada and in countries around the world. Just as Black Friday kicks off the holiday shopping season, GivingTuesday is the opening day of the giving season.

GivingTuesday, the Global Day of Generosity, continues to gain traction across the country. Since 2013, GivingTuesday has united millions of Canadians to support and champion the causes they believe in and the communities in which they live.

So far more than 6,000 Canadian charities, businesses and community groups have used GivingTuesday to rally generosity and help make the world a better place in countless ways. Around the globe, people are participating in GivingTuesday activities in 150 countries including Australia, Brazil, Kenya, Slovenia, Tanzania, the UK and more.

Giving Tuesday Sponsors

Tamir has secured caring sponsors, like Lacasse Building Solutions, for the GivingTuesday campaign. 

We thank you for your support!

RekindleCare for Tamir Staff

RekindleCare, is an initiative designed to enhance the quality of care provided by Tamir frontline staff and volunteers.
This initiative would support the commitment, dedication and well-being of Tamir staff.

Consider donating or spread the word on your social media, hashtag #GivingTuesday and remember to tag Tamir.

Thank you for your fantastic support and generosity – your gift will help impact the work that we do supporting people with Developmental Disabilities and people with Autism to live their best lives by promoting individuality, independence, dignity, and community inclusion.

With gratitude,
Tamir Ottawa